Gorgeous Crochet Cardigan - Free Pattern

With a slightly vintage look, this is the perfect piece to accent a modern ensemble and add that touch of feminine flair. Whether it's worn loose or cinched al the waist, the easy fit and engaging stitch pattern male it a must have for your closet.



DK weight (#3 light); 1,095 (1,275, 1,464, 1,665 yd, (1,002 | 1,340| 1,523 m)
Shown: Lion Brand 100% microfiber ACRYLIC, 168 yd - 154 m, / 2,5 oz (70 g) #102 blush 10, 7 (8,9,10) balls.


G/6 (4 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge


Tapestry needle


 20 dc= 4" (10 cm); 10 rows in dc body
patt 4" (10 cm)

Finished size

Size S (M, L, XL) fits 32 (36, 40, 42)" (81, 5- 91.5, 101,5, 112) cm bust circumference.
Cardigan is 26; 26,5; 27,5,; 28)" (66, 67,5, 70, 71) cm long.
Cardigan shown is a size L.


The yarn featured here makes a fantastic transformation with steam blocking. The shine  and drape are remarkably prettier after steaming.

Special stitches

3 double crochet cluster (3-dc cl)
3 treble crochet cluster (3-tr cl)
2 double-treble crochet cluster 82-dtr cl)
3 double-treble crochet cluster (3-dtr cl)

Ch 84 (92, 104, 116)

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook, *ch 3 skip next 3 ch, dc in next ch, rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last ch, turn -- 2' (22, 25, 28) ch-3 sps.

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, *ch 3, work 3-dc cl in last sc made, skip next ch - 3 sp, sc in next dc rep from * across, ending with last sc in top of ch-3 turning ch, turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) cl.

Row 3. Ch 3 (counts as dc) dc in first sc, *ch 4, skip next cl, dc in cext sc, rep from* across ending with 2 dc n last sc, turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) ch-4 sps.

Row  4: chh 1, sc in first dc, *ch 4, work 3-tr cl in lst sc made, skip next ch-4 sp, sc in next dc, rep from * across, ending with last sc in top of ch-3 tch turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) cl.

Row 5: ch 3 (counts as dc) dc in first sc, *ch 5, skip next cl, dc in next sc, rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last sc, turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) ch-5 sps.

Row 6: Ch 1, sc in first dc, *ch 4, work 3-dtr cl in last sc made, skip next ch-5 sc in next dc, rep from * across ending with last sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) cl.

Row 7: ch 3, (counts as dc) dc in first sc, *ch 6 skip next cl, dc, dc in next sc, rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last sc, turn - 20 (22, 25, 28) ch-6 sps.

Row 8: ch 1, sc in first dc, *ch 5, sc in next ch-6 sp, ch 5, sc in next dc, rep from * across, ending with last sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn - 40 (42, 50, 56) ch-5 sps.

Row 9: ch 3 (count as dc) dc in first sc, 5 dc in each ch-5 sp across, e dc in last sc, turn - 240 (214, 254, 284).

Row 10: ch 1, sc in first dc, skip next dc, *ch 5, skip next 5 dc, sc in sp before next dc. rep from * across to within last 7 sts ch 5, skip next 6 dc, sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn - 40 (42, 50, 56) ch-5 sps.

Rows 11-14: Rep rows 9-10 twice

Row 15: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in first sc, 5 dc in each of next 6 (7, 8, 9) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 6 (6, 7, 8) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 12 (14, 16, 18) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 6 (6, 7, 8) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of last 6 (7, 8, 9) ch-5 sps, 2 dc in last sc, turn-224 (234, 274, 304) dc.

Row 16. Rep Row 10-44 (46, 54, 60) ch-5 sps.

Row 17: ch 3 (counts as dc) dc in first sc, 5 dc in each of next 7 (8, 9, 10) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 6 (6, 7, 8) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 14 (16, 18, 20) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of next 6 )6, 7, 8) ch-5 sps, 10 dc in next ch-5 sp (inc), 5 dc in each of last 7 (8, 9, 10) ch-5 sps, 2 dc in last sc, turn - 244, (254, 294, 324) dc.

Row 18: rep row 10-48 (50, 58, 64) ch-5 sps.

Cardigan body

Divide for body and sleeves

Row 1: ch 3 (counts as dc) dc in first sc, (5 dc in next ch-5 sp) 7 (8, 9, 10) times, ch 11 (for underarm) skip next 10 (10, 11, 12) ch-5 sps, (5 dc in next ch-5 sp) 14 (16, 18, 20) times, ch 11 (for underarm), skip next 10 (10, 11, 12) ch-5 sps (5 dc in next ch-5 sp), 7 (8, 9, 10) times, 2 dc in last sc, turn - 124 (144, 164, 204) dc, 2 ch-11 lps.

Row 2: ch 1, sc in first dc (ch 5 skip next 5 dc, sc in sp before next dc) 6 (7, 8, 9) times, ch 5, skip next 5 dc, sc in next ch, (ch 5, skip 4 dc, sc in sp before next dc) 13 (15, 17, 19) times, ch 5, skip next dc, sc in next ch (ch 5, skip next 4 ch, sc in next ch( twice, (ch 5, skip 5 sts, sc in sp before next st) 6 (7,8,9) times ch 5, skip next 6 dc, sc in top of ch-3 tch turn.

Rows 3-13: rep rows 9-10 of Yoke 5 times, then rep row 9 once.

Row 14: ch 5, dtr in first dc, skip next dc, *ch 5, skip next 5 dc, 2-dtr cl in sp before next dc, rep form * across to within last 7 sts, ch 5, 2-dtr cl in top of ch-3 tch, turn.

Rows 15-26 (28, 30, 32). Rep rows 9-10 of Yoke 6(7,8,9) times.


Left front

Divide for fronts and back, creating slits on the sides

Row 1: ch 3 (count as dc) dc in first sc, 5 dc in next 8 (9,10,11) ch-5 sps, 2 dc n next sc, turn, leaving rem sts unworked-44 (49,54,59) dc.

Row 2. ch1, sc in first dc, skip next dc, *ch 5, skip next 5 dc, sc in sp before next dc, rep from * across to within last 7 sts, ch 5, skip next 6 dc, sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn- 8 (9, 10, 11) ch-5 sps.

Rows 3-12: rep rows 9-10 of Yoke 5 times.

Fasten off


Row 1: with RS facing, join yarn in same sc holding last 2 dc on row 1 of left front, ch 3 (counts as dc) , dc in first sc, 5 dc in next 16 (18.20.22) ch-5 sps, 2 dc in next sc, turn, leaving rem sts unworked-84 (94,104,114) dc.

Row: ch 1, sc in first dc, skip next dc, *ch 5, skip next dc, sc in sp before next dc, rep from * across t within last 7 sts, ch 5, skip next 6 dc, sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn- 16 (18,20,22) ch-5 sps.

Rows 3-14: rep rows 9-10 of Yoke 6 times.

Fasten off.

Right front

Row 1: with rs facing, join yarn in same sc holding last 2 dc on row 1 of left front, ch 3 (counts as dc( dc in first sc, 5 dc in next sc, turn, leaving rem sts unworked - 44 (49,54,59) dc.

Row 2: ch 1, sc in first dc, skip next dc, *ch 5, skip next 5 dc, sc in sp before next dc, rep from * across to within last 7 sts, ch 5, skip next 6 dc, sc in top of ch-3 tch, turn-8 (9,10,11) ch-5 sps.

Rows 3-14: rep rows 9-10 of Yoke 6 times.

First sleeve

Row 1: with RS facing, attach yarn in center ch of underarm ch-11, ch 3 (counts a dc) 5 dc in next ch-4 sp of underarm, 5 dc in each of next 10 (10,11,12) ch-5 sps, 5 dc in next ch-4 sp of underarm, join with sl st in top of beg ch-3, turn- 61 (61,66,71) dc.

Row 2: ch 1, sc in first st, (ch 5, skip next 5 dc, sc in sp before next dc) 11 (11,12,13) times, ch 5, skip 5 dc, join with sl st in first sc, turn-12 (12,13,14) ch-5 sps.

Row 3: ch 3 (counts as dc), 5 dc in each ch-5 so around, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3, turn.

Rep rows 3-4 until sleeve measures 15" (38 cm) or 1" (2,5 cm) less than desired length from underarm.

Next row: ch 1, sc in first sc, *ch 5 work 3-dtr cl in last sc made, skip next ch-5 sp, sc in next sc, rep from * around, join with sl st in first sc.

Fasten off.

Second sleeve

Rep first sleeve in other armhole

Sweater ending

Rnd 1: with RC facing, attach yarn in first ch at beg of neck edge, ch 1, sc in first ch, *ch 3, work 3-dc cl in last sc made, skip next 3 ch, sc n next ch*, rep form * to * across neck edge, working across left front edge, **ch 4, work 3-tr cl in last sc made, skip next row**, rep from ** to ** across, ending with sc in bottom left corner, *** ch 5, 3 - dtr cl in last sc made, skip next ch-5 sp, sc in next sc, rep from *** to *** across bottom edge of left front, rep form ** to ** up slit, ending with sc in center st of slit, rep from ** to ** down other side of slit, rep from *** to *** across bottom edge of back, rep form ** to ** up slit, ending with sc in center st of slit, rep from ** to ** down sc in center st of slit, rep from *** to *** across right front, rep from * to * across right fronto edge, join with sl st in first sc.

Fasten off

Wet or steam block to finished measurements. Weave in loose ends with a tapestry needle.
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