Crochet Jacket

How to crochet a beautiful jacketfree-crochet-pattern

 • 11 x 100g balls ‘Moda Vera’ Bouvardia
• 6.50mm crochet hook or size needed for correct tension
• Stitch markers
• Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure

shell = (3tr in same sp) shell b= (dec tr over next 2 1-ch sps) 
 Work 78, (90,102) ch, turn. Side 1 
Row 1: 1tr in 6th ch from hook, 1tr in each of next 2 ch, (1ch, sk 1 ch, 1tr in each of next 3 ch) repeat to last 2 sts, 1ch, sk 1 ch, 1tr in last ch, turn. 
Row 2: 3ch, 2tr in 1-ch sp, (1ch, shell in next 1-ch sp) repeat to last 1-ch sp, 2tr in 1-ch sp, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 3: 4ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) repeat to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Rows 2 and 3 form patt. Cont working in patt for a further 11, (13, 15) rows. Divide for armhole & front 
Rows 15 (17, 19): 4ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) repeat to last 5 (6,7) 1ch-sps, ch 25 (29,33), turn. Row 16 (18, 20): 1tr in 4th ch from hook, 1tr in next ch, (1ch, sk 1 st, 1tr in each of next 3 sts) 4 (5, 6) times, 1ch, sk 1 st, 1tr in next st, 2tr in next st, 1ch, repeat to last ch sp, 2tr in last 1-ch sp, 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. Cont, keeping pattern correct, work 6 (8,10) rows. 

Row 23 (26, 31): 4ch, 3tr in 1-ch sp, (1ch, shell in next 1-ch sp) repeat to last 1-ch sp, sk 2tr, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 24 (28, 32): 3ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) repeat to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. Repeat last 2 rows twice more, then 
Row 22 (26, 30) once. Fasten off. Side 2 Turn body over (holding jacket with sleeve opening to the right) join new ball of yarn with a sl st into the 1st ch in the bottom side of row one at the neckline. 
Row 1: 3ch, 2tr in 1-ch sp, (1ch, shell in next 1-ch sp) repeat to last 1-ch sp, 2tr in 1-ch sp, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 2: 4ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) repeat to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. Cont working in patt for 11 (13, 15) rows, then repeat above instructions from divide for armhole & front, to the end. Fasten off. 
Turn work upside down and join yarn with a sl st at right side of the hem. Working right across the hem – 
Row 1: 3ch, 2tr in 1-ch sp, (1ch, shell in next 1-ch sp) repeat to last 1-ch sp, 2tr in 1-ch sp, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 2: 3ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) repeat to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. Repeat last two rows, 12 (14, 18) times. Fasten off. Fold each side of the front over the back and sew up both shoulder seams (leaving the opening for the sleeve) to the start of the decreasing rows which form the neckline. 
Note – Sleeve is worked from side to side from the underarm, then the seam is sewn later to form the sleeve. Join yarn into the sp at the base of middle shell of the underarm opening with a sl st, 
Row 1: 3ch, 2tr in same sp, (1ch, shell in next ch-sp) 11, (13,15) times, turn. 
Row 2: 4ch, (shell in 1-ch sp, 1ch) to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of stch, turn. Repeat 
Rows 1 and 2 twice. 
Row 7: (dec row) 3ch, (shell in next ch-sp, 1ch) 10 (12,14) times, shell in next ch-sp, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 8: 4ch, (shell in 1ch sp, 1ch) to end of row, 1tr in 3rd ch of starting ch, turn. Cont, keeping pattern correct, dec every 6th row 3 (4, 4) more times, then work 3 (3, 6) more rows without shaping. Fasten off and sew up seam to form sleeve. Repeat for other sleeve. 
HOOD (starting at the crown) 
Work 34 (38, 42) ch, turn. 
Row 1: 1tr in 6th ch from hook, 1tr in each of next 2 ch, (1ch, sk 1 ch, 1tr in each of next 3 ch) 6 (7, 8) times, 1ch, sk 1 ch, 1tr in last ch, turn. 
Row 2: 3ch, 2tr in 1-ch sp, (1ch, shell in next ch-sp,) 6 (7, 8) times, 1ch, (shell, 1ch, shell) in last ch-sp, turn work around and cont working along bottom of the row, (1ch, shell in next ch-sp) 6 (7, 8) times, 1ch, 2tr in last ch-sp, 1tr in 3rd ch of st-ch, turn. 
Row 3: 4ch, (shell in next ch-sp, 1ch) 7 (8, 9) times, (shell, 1ch, shell) in next 1-ch sp, (shell in next ch-sp, 1ch) to end, 1tr in 3rd ch of stch, turn. * Work two more rows keeping patt correct, then once more with a (shell, 1ch, shell) in the middle 1-ch sp. Repeat from * once more then cont without shaping until you have worked 25 (27, 31) rows from the crown. To decrease 
Row 26,28,32: Work next row in patt until reaching the middle 2 1cch hs sps at centre of row, work (1ch, Shell B, 1ch), then finish row in patt, turn. Work next row in patt, to the 1-ch sp in the centre of row, work (1ch, 1tr, 1ch) in same 1-ch sp, then finish the row in patt. Cont in patt for two more rows. Work 1 row of dc along the base skipping every 1-ch sp. Fasten off. To attach hood, pin the centre back of hood to centre back of the neck at the base, then pin each end of the hood to the last row of dec of the front. Sew on the hood using a whip stitch, easing in the neckline to fit the hood. 
TO FINISH (work front bands) 
Using a new ball of yarn and starting at the left side of the hood, join yarn with a sl st into the 1st st. Work a row of htr around the front of the hood, then 3htr in 1st st of the front at the other side of the hood, cont working htr down the right front of the jacket, 3htr in the base, then a row of htr around the hem, 3htr at the base of the left side, then finish with a row of htr up the left front, 3tr in the last st, sl st into the 1st st of hood, turn. Skip 1st st, work a row of htr back down the left front, turn at the hem, work 7 more rows of htr to form band. Fasten off. Repeat for right band. Fasten off and sew in all ends.
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